A Dream I Had…
Originally published May 10, 2007.
I wrote a bit in a dream I had the other night. I dreamed I called this girl cute and she got mad that all I referred to her as was cute. Then, in the dream, I wrote a bit about the whole thing. I woke up thinking the bit was hilarious and that I was a genius. The bit went something long the lines of her turning into Joe Pesci from ‘Goodfellas’. “What, I’m cute to you, like some little kid, I’m cute like a fucking puppy, etc….” I was patting myself on the back thinking, wow, you wrote a bit in your sleep. You are fucking amazing Rob Maher. As the day went along I slowly began to realize the bit sucked ass and was completely unfunny. I then remembered that I had watched’ Entourag’e right before I had gone to bed and the whole “cute conversation” was in that. From genius to hack in 7 hours.
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